Role of pant assets in RFL Ltd

Term paper
    ‘‘A term paper on “Role of plant assets

Under the guidance of and super visor of

MD. Shamsur  Rahman
Assistant professor,
Department of Accounting
Govt.M.M. College, jessore

                Submitted by

 Name: Samapti Biswas
    Calss Roll: 159,  NU Roll: 8012667
    Nv Reg: 2015194, Session: 2011-2012
    BBA(Hon’s) second year
    Department of Accounting
Govt.M.M. College, jessore

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of BBA January -2014.

Date: 15 september 2014-12-05

Letter of transmittal

Date: 15 september 2014-12-05
md. Shamsur rahman
 Department of Accounting
Govt.m.m. college, jessore.

Sub: submission of term paper.

Dear sir,

It is a great pleasure and privilege to present the term paper tilled “Role of pant assets in RFL Ltd” which was assigned to me as a partial requirement for the competition of BBA (Hon’s).

Throughout the study I tried with the best capacity to accommodate as information and relevant issues possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have suggested. I tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible. I sincerely  believe that it will satisfy your requirement. I however sincerely believe that this report will serve the purpose of my term paper of BBA (Hon’s).
my effort will be reworded only if it adds value to the research literature.

Your truly
Name: Samapti Biswas
Calss Roll: 159,
NU Roll: 8012667
NU Reg: 2015194,
Session: 2011-2012
BBA(Hon’s) second year
Department of Accounting
Govt.M.M. College, jessore
Students Declaration

I here by declare that the report of term paper namely “Role of plant assets in RFL Ltd.” by me after the completing inspection with RFL Ltd . at Rangpur and a comprehensive study of the existing activities of RFL Ltd. and its implementation.

I also declare that this paper is my original worked and prepared for academic purpose which is a plant of BBA and the paper may not be use  actual market scenario.

Your truly
Name: Samapti Biswas
Calss Roll: 159,
NU Roll: 8012667
NU Reg: 2015194,
Session: 2011-2012
BBA(Hon’s) second year
Department of Accounting
Govt.M.M. College, jessore

Supervisor’s Declaration

I here by declare that the concerned report entitled “Role of plant assets in RFL Ltd “is an original work by a students of BBA (Hon’s) . department of accounting , Govt.m.m. college, jessore has term paper under my administration (BBA) at Govt .m.m college jessore.

Md. Shamsur Rahman
Lecture, Department of accounting
Govt.m. college jessore.


The report titled  as “Role of plant assets in “RFL Ltd” has been prepared to fulfill the requirements of BBA(Hon’s) degree. i am very much fortunate that i have received sincere guidance, supervision and co-operation from various respected people while preparing this report. Many people helped me to preparing this report. First of all I would like to thanks my academic supervision of the internship program- Md. shamsur Rahaman Lecturer
 of Govt.m.m. college jessore for giving me the opportunity to prepare this report. He also provided me to important advices and guidance for preparing this report. without his assistance this report would not be a comprehensive one. secondly I would like to thank department of accounting of Govt.m.m. college jessore , where i received support of requirements  of finishing the internship program and daily updates of college.

 Finally, I would like ro thank the authors of the books that I’ve taken help from which had mad my understanding report .

Executive Summary

Business education should have the focus on the real world where  things sometimes go beyond the boundary of theoretical concepts as per the demand of the situation. Here lies the important of the term paper, which facilities to test the preference of the theoretical knowledge in the application of practical field. Here that can focus on the activities of RFL ltd. That deals with how the company takes it plant asset.

This report has been prepared as required term of the internship program. This report also described the action of accounting department. When the assets are changed in any manner This report is prepared on the basis of my 7 weeks practical experience at ‘RFl ltd’. The internship program helped me a lot to learn about the practical situation of a manufacturing company. This companied encouraged the researcher to choose the topic of this internship program as ‘Role of plant assets’

Table of contents
Chapters of contents
page no.


Origin and background of the report

Objective of the study

Methodology of the study

Limitation of the study

Chapter-2: conceptual  issues 

Historical background of RFL Ltd

Objectives of plant assets management

Responsibilities of accounts department

Plant assets list graphics representation

Plant assets management software

Chapter-3: Data base

Accounting policy

plant assets


Revenue Reorganization

Scope of works

Chapter-4: Finding of the study

Definition of plant assets

Capitalization and valuation of the plant ass.

Capital budget

Procurement of plant assets

Formulation of purchase committee

process of purchase and authorization for payment

plant assets register 

plant verification

Guideline procedures for the maintains of the plant assets register

Specific plant assets list

Charging depreciation

Transfer of plant assets

Total production visits per year and graphical present

Net income list per year and graphical present

Chapter-5: Conclusion

Summary of major findings



Appendix and bibliography

Chapter-1 : Introduction
1.1    Origin & Background of the Report :
 This report is being assigned as the part of the degree BBA, to prepare this report under the University’s requirement. I accommodate my inspection and field work in the RFl Ltd. For the completion of the course, as an essential part. I had prepared this report. this report is being formed on “The role of plant assets “of the stated company . From the beginning I was working on varies plant assets of the company , my duty was to locate the plant  assets of the company and report the finding to the accounts managers. plant assets management is very essential part of this company because variety of types fixed plant assets and thousand of items are include and smooth run of the company evaluate the financial statement. For this reason I made this report on the rple of plant assets of RFL Ltd.

1.2 Objective of the study:

Objective of my study can be divided into two segment. These are given below:
1.2.1: Primary objective :
the primary objective of the orientation are-
(a)    to study various desk works of the TFL
(b)   To analyze  the performances of the region well as TFL
1.2.2 Secondary objective are
(a) Acquire knowledge about the a accounting
(b) To know about the management of plant assets.
(c) To obtain a first hand experience on working environment.
(d) To introduce with electronic journaling and date processing system.
(e) To determine the performance of the accounting department.

1.3  Methodology of the study
Like all scientific pursuits in statistics also the investigator need not begin from the very beginning he may use and must take into account what has already been discovery  by others. consequently before starting a statistical investigator and learn what is already know of the general area  in which our specific problems falls. where an investigator uses the date which has already been collected by others. such date called secondary  data . secondary data can be obtained from journals reports publications of research organization trade and professional bodies etc. However secondary data must be used with at must care the user should be extra cautions in using secondary data and should not accept it at its force value and the major source of data for preparing the report in based on secondary information like annual reports.

1.3.1 Secondary data were collected from these two sources
(a) Internal data : Internal data were collected from different annual report general report articles and memorandum of talukdar foundry Ltd.
(b) External data: These was significant source of external information of talukdar foundry Ltd.

1.4 Limitations of the study:
There were some problems while  doing internship . a whole berthed effort was applied to conduct the internship and to bring a reliable and fruitful result. In spite of having the whole hearted effort there exit some limitation which acted as a barrier to conduct the program.                                                      the limitation were –
                                    *Time was limited for the study
                                    *Data recording system of varies organization was found disorganized so their actual business figure was not found accurately.

                                    *In maximum career officials told that they are to busy to talk so not today please come latter   

Chapter-2: conceptual Issues 
2.1  Historical Background of Talukdar  foundry ltd :
Talukdar  foundry ltd.(TFL)is a manufacturing company registered under the company act. The company stared its operation from 1998 . as a manufacturing company .
Talukdar foundry Ltd . is a part of Talukdar group of companies. This company includes in export and import business. The company makes tube well and pumps. Tfl is a private limited by shares and incorporate Bangladesh on march 09,2005under the company act 1994 . It is entitled to all the benefits and interactive commonly allowed by the government of Bangladesh to industrial unit established in export processing Zone in the country. This material comes from other country. This material comes in the factory of Jessore and process the raw Material . After processing the company makes tube well and pumps.

2.2 Objectives of plant Assets management :          
 The objectives of plant Assets management is:
*To safe geared the plant assets of talukder foundry Ltd to ensure the effective of the existing resources

*To emphasis culture of accountability over talukder foundry Ltd. plant assets.

*To ensure that effective controls are communication to management and staff through clear and comprehensive written documentation.

*To provide a formal set of financial procedures that can be implemented to ensure that talukder foundry Ltd financial assets policies are achieve and are in compliance with the company plant assets related rules and regulations.

2.3 Responsibilities of accounts department:
Responsibilities of accounts department are –
*After acquisition of any plant assets accounts department will generate an assets identification number and hand over the number to related department for their marketing.

*Accounts department will maintain the plant assets register.

*Accounts department will calculate depreciation in every moth for accounting use. Accounts department will conduct physical verification in every two months.

2.4 Plant assets list and graphical presentation:
Cost (Scores)
Land improvement

2.5 Plant assets management software :
Assets management is the processes of planning designing and implementing advance systems in managing a company assets . It controls and increase the efficiency at the assets owned by an organization. it includes management of a company infrastructure plant property and human resources. the various  components of assets very according to the industry type and needs as business scenario is becoming more complex with large number employee there individual work profiles and work flow  spread over varies department managing data and records manually is nearly impossible and here assets management software provide the purpose of managing and depreciation plant assets talukder  foundry Ltd uses assets as assets management software . It is used for flexibility in categorizing and grouping assets depreciation is calculated and can be viewed or printed both annually and monthly addition and disposal are catered for easily and adjustment can be made to or assets cost price or opening book value allowing much control over your register. both tax values and accounting values are maintain and rolled over for each assets register has a clean easy to understand user interface.
Assets management software enables efficient managing of companies assets and is considered an important tool in this company performance this software also manages physicals attributes of an assets such finalizing the request valuation depreciation assets receipts and maintain warranties and use data they entirely manage all the business management issues comprising of cost management capital budgeting  expresses accounting financial planning and tangible goods now materials finished product this software also manage their intellectual assets the assets management software provides analysis of data which help company to make new strategy plans for each follow helps in the fairest utilization of resources and in  tour increase the productivity of the company some other benefits of assets management software include automatic tracking of all hardware and software across the entire network of management system identification of unlicensed software initialization and enhanced helpdesk productivity by presenting accurate assets information and generation of reports that can be printed or emailed. various departments of the company can access this asset data by the companies intranet.

Chapter-3: Database

3.1 Accounting policy:
The financial statements of the company have been prepared on actual basic of accounting (except cash flow statement)under the historical cost convention in accordance with Bangladesh financial reporting standard (BFRS) which fully comply with international financial reporting standard (IFRS)except otherwise stated on related hotes.
3.2 plant Assets
planted assets are very impairment part of any manufacturing company. this assets help most of the time to produce. Without plant assets the company imaging the nature of business. A few pliant assets have in any manufacturing company such as
1.      Land
2.      Land Improvement
3.      Building
4.      Machinery
5.      Equipment
3.3       Depreciation:
Depreciation is computed on straight line method as follows:
Name of assets
Rate of depreciation

3.4  Revenue   reorganization:                                                                    
Internal sales:                                                                                                  RFL recognizes inter-group revenue as and when the goods are shipped out from Bangladesh.

External sales:
The company revenue arising out of  execution of orders to e0xternal parties represents the value of orders executed during the year. TFL recognizes revenue as and when the goods are shipped out from Bangladesh on Fob basis
3.5   scope of works:
The responsibilities group will be entitled to several task and operation. This management system will not only integrates the separate departments for the management of assets but also provide a better performance and providing proper transparency of the company.

    the scopes of the management of  fixed assets are following:
         *fixed Assets Register
         *Depreciation calculation
         *Assets Marketing
         *Assets Movement
         *Physical verification
Chapter-4: Finding of the study
4.1 Definition of plant Assets:
Consistent definition is essential to ensure good assets management and reporting. A plant assets is an assets with a useful life more than one year used in the business of the company characteristic of a depreciable plant assets are the following:
·         It is estimated the asset will be used for more than one financial period
·         It has a limited useful life
·         It is used in a process of delivery services
·         The resources should provide future economic benefits
·         The future economic benefits should accrue
·         The event raise to the right to the resources and control over the future economic benefits must alright have occurred and it should be possible to determine the cost of the assets reliably.

4.2 Capitalization and valuation of plant assets :

The fixed assets are recognized  and approved by the management of accounts department and other management related to plant assets dealing. there are previously created accounts heads in the “Tally” software. the assets are matched with the head of journal accounts and input as plant assets. there is no limit of criteria set to recognize plant assets by the amount of expenditure. the expenditure which will provide benefits more than current financial year and match with the head of ledger accounts should be identified as plant assets and should be capitalized in the assets register.
For example, talukdar foundry Ltd use stationery item which can be used more than one year. In a simple scenes it should be identified plant assets but there is no policies and no journal heads for identify stationery item as plant assets non the other hand many companies identify and valuate their plant assets by limiting lower amount of expenditure which is absent in talukdar foundry Ltd.

4.3 capital budget:
The capital budget is prepared for capital and other operating and administrative expenditure the budget is prepared from talukdar group. the parent of the talukdar foundry Ltd the budget for talukdar foundry Ltd is prepared and provided it to the management of Bangladesh. For every purchase and expenditure the related amount is matched with the budget fails to meet them capacity of expenditure a request of special approval for the expenditure is to sent to talukder group and after approval of the special request the management under takes the action related to expenditure.

4.4 procurement of plant assets :

All assets acquired must be in terms of the capital budget assts must be procured in such a way that:
A proper net for the assets was identified and proper and approval procurement procedures are ahead to.
Authorization for procurement should be as per the department for delegation for authority and payment for assets should be in accordance with financial policies budget and regulation of the council the general manager in consultation with the financial controller and other head of department formulate norms and standard for the replacement or purchase of all normal operational assets such norms and standard are in corporate in formal policy which shall be submitted to the council of talukdar foundry Ltd for approval this policy covers the replacement or purchase for machine furniture and fitting computer equipment and any other operational items. such policy shall also provide for the replacement of plant assets which are required for service delivery but which become uneconomical to maintain.

4.5 Formulation of purchase committee:
The purchase committee formulates with related department and personal the following personal responsible for the purchase committee:

·         Head of requiring department
·         purchase department representatives
·         finance department

Fig: Purchase committee its process of activity

4.6 Process of purchase and authorization for payment:
Talukdar foundry Ltd purchase bits all plant assets in a systematic way and preplanned method access able purchasing method is ‘ purchase order for this organization. any purchase has the following purchase:
Fig : purchase procedure of plant assets

*Authorization for payment:
Invoices are authorized for payment for the completion of the receipting process.

4.7 Plant assets register:
The following information should be kept in respect of assets:

ü  Assets number
ü  Assets type and de4preciation
ü  Purchase price , book value, depreciation current period, accumulated depreciation, disposal value and date.
The plant assets register shall be maintained in the format determined by the financial controller, which format shall comply with the plant asset policy and any other requirement prescribed, by rules and regulation. all heads of department under whose control any plant assets falls shall provably provide the accounts department with the plant assets register and shall advice the accounts department of any material change which may occur in respect of such information.

4.8 Plant verification:
To ensure the completeness and correctness of assets on plant assets register all assets must be physically verified and confirmed after every two months  in a financial year. all plant assets used by employees leaving the employment of company is verified on the day such employe3es leave.
An officer is employed to inspect the physical location of the plant assets. the plant assets inspects the verity of assets with test basic procedures where samples for each category assets are list and every related department is entitled  physically locate the location of the assets. the officer then prepares the report whether the sample assets fund or not in their appropriate location according to location register. the external auditors finally audit the assets.

4.9 Guideline procedures of the maintain of the plant assets register:
The assets officer must6 update the assets listing and plant assets register with the approval assets requisite and submit it to the accountant for approval. on a monthly basic the assets officer must perform reconciliation between the general ledger values and the plant assets and inventory.
reconciliation as correct. the change made to the plant assets register should be printed as approved by chick account officer on a monthly basic.
Depreciation rates used have to be approval by the chick accounts officer before they are applied to the asset.

4.10 Specific plant assets list(such – building machinery and equipment) :
Cost of building includes all expenditure related directly to their acquisition or construction these costs include material, labor, and overhead cost incurred during construction and professional fess and building permits. building yearly cost list and graphical presentation-
cost(in cores)
(cost in corers)

Comment: The figure shows that TFL building cost trend from 2008 to 2012. TFL building cost increase a little in the year 2009 than 2008. In the year 2010 it increase more then 2010, but in this year 2012 the building cost performance in much higher then the previous year.

4.11Machinery: Cost of machinery includes the purchase price freight and handling charges incurred insurance on the machine while in transit cost of special foundation if required assembling and installation cost and cost of conducting trial runs. machinery yearly cost list and graphical presentation-
cost (in corers)

Comment: : The figure shows that RFL building cost trend from 2008 to 2012. RFL building cost increase a little in the year 2009 than 2008. In the year 2010 it increase more then 2010, but in this year 2012 the building cost performance in much higher then the previous year.

4.12. Equipment: Cost of equipment includes the purchase price freight and handling charge incurred, insurance on the equipment while in transit, cost of special foundation if required, assembling and installation cost and cost  of conducting trial runs equipment yearly cost list and graphical presentation.
cost(in corers)

Comment: The figure shows that RFL building cost trend from 2008 to 2012. RFL building cost increase a little in the year 2009 than 2008. In the year 2010 it increase more then 2010, but in this year 2012 the building cost performance in much higher then the previous year.
4.13 Financial disclosure requirement: The financial statement should include disclosure in respect of asset.
guidelines for financial disclosure
the financial statement includes the following disclosures:

Ø  The depreciation method used.
Ø  Depreciation charged in arriving at net profit or loss for the period
Ø  The gross carrying amount and accumulated depreciation at the beginning and the end of the period.

The financial statement also disclosed the following :

Ø  The existence and amount restriction on title and property.
Ø  The accounting policy for the estimated cost restoring the site of items of plant asset.
Ø  The amount of expenditures on account of plant asset in the course of  construction
Ø  The amount of commitments for the acquisition plant asset.

The selection of the depreciation method and the estimating of the useful life is a matter of judgment there fore disclose of the method adopted and the estimated life or depreciation rates provides financial statements with information which allows then to review the policies selected by the management and enable comparisons to be made with other enterprise. for simple reasons it is necessary to disclose the depreciation allocated in a period and the accumulated depreciation at the end of that period.
As enterprise disclose the nature and effect of change in an accounting estimates that has material effect in the current period or which is expected to have a material effect in subsequent period in accordance with the statement on net profit or loss for the period, fundamental error and changes in accounting policies. Such disclosure may arise from change in estimate with respect to :
Ø  Residual values
Ø  The estimated costs dismantling and removing items of property. Plant or equipment and restoring the site.
Ø  Depreciation method.

4.4 Charging depreciation : Talukdar founder ltd prepares than every year. It prepares accounting reports for every month and close the book of accounts. so the depreciation rate is calculated for every single month. Generally Talukdar foundry ltd follows straight line depreciation method with 20% depreciation rate for every plant assets. By considering this method, it can be assumed that every assets has an economic life of five years (20%*5 = 100%). The depreciation rate is converted to month and record the depreciated amount to the ledger for example a machine has the book value  of 12000-00 Taka. For the first month, the depreciation for this plant asset will be :
The depreciation for the first month will be 2000 taka and the book value will be ( 120000.00-2000.00) = 118000.00 taka and the depreciation for the second month will be following :
There for the depreciation for the second month will be 2000.00 taka and the book value will be (118000.00-2000.00) = 116000.00 Taka.

4.15 Transfer of plant assets : When plant assets are transferred between the departments a document with specific authorization should be a attracted to the assets being transferred so as to make sure that authority was given for that specific asset to be transferred. The documents should also include full details of the asset being transferred which should include :  
Ø  Asset depreciation
Ø  Date of acquisition
Ø  Unique numbers
Ø  Effective date of transter
Ø  Quantity

4.16 Total production units per year and graphical presentation :
The production of tfl increase day by day. Total production units per year & graphical presentation
Total production units (per year)

Coment : The figure shows that tfl production units trend from 2008 to 2012. Tfl production units increase a little in the year 2009 than 2008. In the year 2010 increase more then 2009, in the year it increase a little more then 2010. But in this year 2012 the production units performance in much higher then the previous year. Their total production units are also satisfactory in response to total plant assets.

4.17 Net Income list and graphical presentation : Net income is very important for any company because the company depend on net income. The net income of tfl is below .
Tk (in corers)

Tk (In Corers)

Comment : The figure shows that tfl income trend from 2008 to 2012. Tfl net income increase a little in the year 2010 it increase more then 2009 in the year 2011 increase a little more then 2010. But in this year 2012 the net income performance in much higher then the previous year. Their total net incomes are also year. Their total net incomes are also satisfactory in response to total assets.

5.1 Summary of major findings :
Ø  Tagging and categorizing assets
Ø  To generate asset identification code
Ø  Main training assets related information (e.g. date of purchase, historical cost, depreciation rate, user of the assets, supplier information etc)
Ø  Calculating book value
Ø  Disposal information
Ø  Locating register etc.
Ø  Describe the major characteristic of plant assets
Ø  Identify the cost including the initial valuation of land. Building and equipment. 

5.4 Appendix and Bibliography :
Bibliography : Reports :
Ø  Annual report of RFl LTd (2010-2014)
Ø  Annual report of RFl Group (2010-2014)

Web Reference :
Ø  www.
Ø l kieso
Ø  www.

Book reference :
Ø  Intermediate Accounting (Eleventh edition) kieso k Weygand warfield
Ø  Operational management-william j Stevenson :6th

Acronyms :
BFRS = Bangladesh Financial Reporting standard
IFRS = International Financial Reporting standard
