Topics of paragraph
Topics of paragraph
1) Brevity 2) Value of time 3) Honesty 4)
5) perseverance 6) Politeness 7) Ambition 8) Charity
9) Confidence 10)
Optimism/ 11)
Talent 12) Self- help
13) Truthfulness 14) Courtesy 15)Friendship 16)Labor
17)Education 18) Patriotism 19)Character 20)Good
Manner/ Behavior
21) Popularity 22) Dignity 23)Love 24) Integrity
25)Punctuality 26)
Kindness 27)Liberty 28) Dutifulness
29) Self- reliance 30)Obedience to anyone 31) Faithfulness 32)Modesty
33) Industry 34) Co-operation 35) Personality 36) Intellectuality
37) Humanity 38)Gratitude 39) Moral Courage
40) Obedience to
(T.P) is the most
Valuable and powerful element of success in life . If we make a list of
successful person who have acquired a high degree of proficiency in heir
respective vocations . We will find that
their success depends mainly upon this great virtue . Further more , Through (T.P)
is a mental faculty and an invisible quality , yet its effect is greatly felt .
it is to be prized on its own account . It brings great rewards for human life
. (T.P) is also backbone of one’s existence if we think it so much critically .
Moreover, without it a man cannot accomplish anything great or glorious in life
. In this absence , a man loses every charm of life and all other virtues are hampered and thus
becomes unfit for useful existence . In a word those who have risen in their
respective vocation have done simply by dint of . Therefore , Everybody should
have it at any cost and the earlier the because
habit formed in
childhood is never lost , and bears its fruits the long run . To sum up (T.P)
is an important clement and successive asset of human life .
Traffic jam , load
shading , hortal day , road accident , drugs addiction , danger of smoking ,
copying in the examination , air/environment pollution , terrorism in the
campus , acid
thrown and any kind of social problems .
(T.P)has become a
common incident in day life . Every day we find the news of it in the
dailies.(T.P)is now serious problem . It is going out of control day by day .
It creates many other problems too . we never thinks happy and carefree life
for it . It harms not only our lives but also every day progress . Every people
have to suffer a lot for this . All of
us fell the problem but none seems to think over this national issue the bad
effect of side of is can better the understood them described . Most of the
People of our country are the victims of this daily curse . It takes over peace
of our normal lives . Nobody should remain idle in the face of such an alarming
problem . The Government should take major action to cheek it , besides all of
us irrespective of cost , creed , color , religion , etc. Not only the
Government but also we awake up and try to solve this problem for the shake of
our country . It’s result we many find happy life in the long run.
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